"Someone had rightly remarked that we not running short of energy; we are running short of environment! Situation is indeed such. Even if we were to hit upon a huge hydrocarbon reservoir such as of petroleum or natural gas, or a huge coal deposit, it doesn’t solve our problem. It will give us only energy. The consumption of these resources will harm the atmosphere beyond any repair. So discovering just any source of energy is not enough. From a scenario where state of progress and prosperity of a society was measured by the energy- consumption per capita, we have reached a state where soon low energy consumption per capita will be the index!"-
Dr CM Nautiyal in SN Tripathi Memorial Lectures 2011
Climate Change & Global Warming is the buzz words that are heard quite often these days but how many of us are aware of these concepts? To many, these sound the domains of research or knowledge for scientists or geologists only. The fact is that the issue of climate change concerns each one of us whether it is those aspects that are natural phenomenon and are beyond are control or it is the aspects that are influenced by man made activities.
There is a need to translate the treasure of this scientific or technical knowledge in a language that is understood by a layman and it is then only people will be able to connect themselves with the issue and will be able to prepare themselves for better coping strategies to tackle the disasters caused by climate change. SN Tripathi Memorial Lectures are an attempt in this direction and it is a matter of pleasure for the organizers to put the resource material of this year’s lectures on the website for any one to access. The lectures were taken by the experts of national and international fame in an interesting style with illustrations and examples
mayank on 11 Jan, 2012
raja on 11 Jan, 2012
mohdaslam on 16 Mar, 2012