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Literacy Day
The program was a great success. It was found that some of the children had dropped out from the school by choice- their lack of interest in studies. Swayam-Siddha did its best to send them back to school by proper persuasion(gave examples). "Humko Mann Ki Shakti" was the highlight of the program. It ended with the distribution of samosas.
Childrens's Day
The venue was the church road park. It was a fun-filled evening for the children. They were divided in two teams to play "dog and the bone" game. There was 'race competition' both for the seniors and the juniors. The winners were given prizes and all the children were given biscuits and toffees.
Tree Plantation
SS moved a step ahead by starting a drive for planting trees along with its special children where they planted the saplings themselves and gave each of the saplings a name. All the children who participated in this drive were given the responsibility of watering the plants at regular intervals.
Nodal Agency
Seeing the bad condition of the parks in some of the colonies SS decided to work as a Nodal Agency for them by bringing together the colony members under one head and encouraging them to contribute substantially for the work to be done in the park. SS provided them with a gardener and keeps in touch with the colony members to solve any upcoming issues.