SN Tripathi Memorial Lectures (2011)…

'Human Race Will Be Extinct Within The Next 100 Years..•.'
Dr Pradeep K.Srivastava

Electronic Industry is another big source of a number of toxic materials which are posing a big threat to our health and environment. E-waste is a term used to cover almost all types of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) that has or could enter the waste stream. Although e-waste is a general term,it can be considered to cover TVs, computers, mobile phones, white goods (e.g. fridges, washing machines, dryers etc), home entertainment and stereo systems, toys, toasters, kettles - almost any household or business item with circuitry or electrical components with power or battery supply.

E-waste is growing exponentially simply because the markets in which these products are produced are also growing rapidly as many parts of the world cross over to the other side of the 'Digital Divide'. For example, between 2000 and 2005, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) notes a 22% growth in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in China1 Furthermore, China was the 6th largest ICT market in 2006.

E-waste In addition to various hazardous materials, e-waste also contains many valuable and precious materials. In fact up to 60 elements from the periodic table can be found in complex electronics. Using the personalcomputer (PC) as an example-a normal Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) computer monitor contains many valuable but also many toxic substances. One of these toxic substances is cadmium (Cd), which is used in rechargeable computer batteries and contacts and switches in older Cadmium can bio-accumulate in the environment and is extremely toxic to humans, in particular adversely affecting kidneys and bones5 It is also one of the six toxic substances that has been banned in the European Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive.

Oil tankers, transport 60 per cent (approx. 2,000 million tons) of oil consumed in the world. More than 90 per cent of goods traded between countries are transported by sea. Harmful algalblooms, caused by an excess of nutrients-mainly nitrogen from agricultural

fertilizers have created nearly 150 coastal deoxygenated 'DEAD ZONES' worldwide, ranging from 1 to 70,000 square kilometres. An estimated 2.1 crores barrels of oil, run into the oceans, each year from street run-off, effluent from factories,and from ships flushing their tanks.

What Can Be Done: Seven Mantras of Success

We have change the design of our buildings as we have enough light due to solar energy, instead of using that we copy the western architecture and put on several tube lights in one room. The best examples are our forts where this can be learnt.

We have to conserve the rain water which can be used for our daily works like washing the car/scooter, watering the plants in the kitchen garden or lawns.

We make pressure on the government to start transportation like metro trains which are eco friendly,safe and fast. This will cause stoppage of many cars coming on the road.

We must increase the use of green, biodegradable and locally available things like cotton bags,disposable plates made up of dry leaves/ kulhars/ clay glass/cups which are not like plates/glass/cups made up of foams which is not good for the environment